Test Environment
In order to quickly get started there is a test environment for the purpose of verifying the technical aspect of the service. Information on how to access the environment is found within the reference guide for the particular service. Furthermore, there is a list of general test objects in a separate document, and in addition to this there are specific test objects that can be ordered with the purpose of executing specific tests. For more details and ordering of a test account, please contact UC at integration@uc.se.
Below follows a test object consisting of a UC Detekt response. For additional test objects, please see Getting started with Company Reports.
Organisation Number | Name |
556131-2058 | Belkberga Datatjänst AB |
In order to access and use the service, a customer number and password is required. The credentials are provided in connection to signing an agreement with UC.
Accessing the service is done by stating the provided credentials within every request.
Authentication example
In the following example, accessing the service is done by using ”MY_USERID” and ”MY_PASSWORD”.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<soapenv:Header />
<soapenv:Body xmlns:ucor="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderRequest/">
<ucor:identityCheck ucor:version="2.0" ucor:identifier="556168-2518">
Process Flow
UC Detekt acts as an additional service to ‘companyReports’. The service provides, besides company information and credit information from ‘companyReports’, extended information aimed at counteracting fraudulent behavior and in turn avoiding credit losses. Further, the service provides information on whether the company in question should be examined further and why.
Example request on UC Detekt 'companyReport' for 556131-2058
In order to activate UC Detekt, please enter the given template name within the parameter <uc:template>
. In the following example the template name is CCC.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<soap:Header />
<uc:companyReport uc:product="410" uc:version="2.2" xmlns:uc="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderRequest/">
<uc:companyReportQuery uc:xmlReply="true" uc:htmlReply="false" uc:reviewReply="0" uc:pdfReply="0"
uc:extendedDetails="0" uc:lang="EN">
<uc:template uc:id="CCC" />
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<uc:ucReply xmlns:uc="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/">
<uc:status uc:result="ok"/>
<uc:reports uc:lang="swe">
<uc:report uc:index="0" uc:styp="410" uc:name="Belkberga Datatjänst AB" uc:id="5561312058">
<!-- ... -->
<uc:group uc:name="Mallbeslut" uc:key="" uc:index="0" uc:id="W131">
<uc:term uc:id="W13105">J</uc:term>
<uc:term uc:id="W13114">CCC</uc:term>
<uc:term uc:id="W13130">N</uc:term>
<uc:term uc:id="W13131">J</uc:term>
<uc:term uc:id="W13149">Ja enl mall CCC</uc:term>
<!-- ... -->
<uc:group uc:name="Orsakstexter" uc:key="" uc:index="1" uc:id="W132">
<uc:term uc:id="W13201">UC Detekt:Kontroll genomförd och godkänd.</uc:term>