Consumer credit information classification

Consumer credit information classification 2.0

In short Use this API to receive easy to read score to asses person's credit information.


  • Person´s credit information and payment defaults, and their total amounts and creditors

  • Information about guardianship, own credit bans or business ban

  • Person´s business connections

  • Classification

The classification emphasizes the number, quality and total amount of defaults. The classification returns the class (1-5), score (0-100), comments and accurate credit information.

Conditions of usage

Consumer credit information may only be used for purposes according to Section 19 § of the Credit Information Act:

  • Credit granting and credit control

  • Planning of debt collection

  • Preventing of money loundering / KYC responsibilities (only for obliged entities under the AML ACT)

  • Tenancy agreement

  • Person in charge status (assessment of a company or person in charge)

  • Assesment of a job applicant or employee

In addition to legitimate need, it is required to have an agreement with Asiakastieto in order to use Asiakastieto’s services.

Assistance, general information of our APIs

Credit classification content documentation