International Company Reports

API for access to Nordic credit information. Via the API you can order credit reports, name and address checks on Finnish, Norwegian and Danish companies and business owners. As an additional service all credit reports can be ordered together with credit templates.

For those requiring financial assessment of companies, for example in connection with credit agreements, financial guarantees or rental agreements, for example. Company reports help you in making more reliable business decisions, and there are a range of options depending on the type of information you need. Get help from UC's proven risk models and credit assessment expertise.

Conditions of usage

In order to use UC’s Web Service a customer agreement is required whereby you obtain a customer number and password.

Technical solution

The API is Web Service Interoperability (WS-I) compliant and tested in various client environments, such as Java and Microsoft dotnet.

The API supports SOAP version 1.1.

The API is stateless, which implies that the authentication details have to be attached with every request.


All traffic is encrypted with ssl through HTTPS-protocol.

Contact UC

For questions regarding the API do not hesitate to contact UC by email at