Consumer credit information (payment defaults)

Finnish consumer credit information service This service return credit information such as payment defaults of consumers

Description of the service:

The person´s credit information and payment defaults, and their total amounts and creditors

Information about guardianship, own credit bans or business ban

Person´s business connections

Conditions of usage

Consumer credit information may only be used for purposes according to Section 19 § of the Credit Information Act:

  • Credit granting and credit control

  • Planning of debt collection

  • Preventing of money loundering / KYC responsibilities (only for obliged entities under the AML ACT)

  • Tenancy agreement

  • Person in charge status (assessment of a company or person in charge)

  • Assesment of a job applicant or employee

In addition to legitimate need, it is required to have an agreement with Asiakastieto to use Asiakastieto’s services.

Assistance, general information of our APIs

Content documentation